Friday, June 12, 2009

Nikon's D5000 gets reviewed in staggering detail

Nikon's D5000 gets reviewed in staggering detail

Just in case our comparatively brief overview of the D5000 wasn't enough to sway you either way, why not have a gander at DPReview's astonishing 33 page critique of Nikon's first-ever DSLR with an articulating display? Within, you'll find oodles of sample shots, comparison to rival cameras and enough analysis to make you feel like a bona fide expert upon leaving. If you're looking for the long and short of it, however, you'll find a conclusion that essentially matches up word-for-word with our own summary: the articulating display is a bit of a personal preference, but every other aspect is rock solid. If you're not down with ponying up for the marginally more expensive D90 and you can't bear the thought of buying Canon glass, there's hardly a better option on the market right now. Dig in below if you still need more proof.

(Via Engadget.)